5 of the Best FREE activities to do in L.A.

Top 5 FREE activities to do in L.A.

The obvious free thing to do when you visit L.A is to go to the beach. Los Angeles has over 70 miles of it: from the crowded touristy spots where you can photobomb a B-list celebrity’s Instagram, to the remote and romantic stretches of sand, where you can propose to your girlfriend. Beach, please!

So, if visiting beaches is your thing… click here.

For Veldskoen’s Top 5 activities you can do for FREE in L.A keep reading…

(We mean that very literally. Look at number 1 on our list… )

the Los Angeles Public Library.

The Los Angeles  Public Library.

Apart from the fact that it looks like it could be the headquarters of the Illuminati, and that entrance to this respected establishment filled with knowledge and fine prose will cost you nothing, there has never been a better time than 2019 to sign up for a library card. Why?

Thanks to the Explore L.A with Discover & Go program, your  LAPL card can now get you free entry to many of the city’s museums and attractions. And not just crappy ones, one the brink of closing down, either. Think the Los Angeles Zoo and Botanical Gardens, Kidspace Children’s Museum, and the Autry Museum of the American West among many others. To learn more about how it works, click here. And then call your parents, and thank them for bothering to send you to school so you could learn to read.

Griffith Observatory


Griffith Park has a free astronomy museum with a very fancy Zeiss Telescope. You can take a  look through the massive lens or take inappropriate selfies next to it, at no cost.

However, so make sure you get there early, especially in the summertime, when many people like to look at the night sky (or through the bedroom windows of homes far away), and the museum people cut off the line at a certain point.

Watch a TV show taping

How very Hollywood! If you’ve ever wanted to be an audience member in a live sitcom taping that laughs on cue, or wins things you don’t want anyway (underwear packaged in  Tupperware),  then this one is just for you!

Okay, seriously though, if you click on this link, you can get free tickets to some pretty epic live TV tapings in L.A. Think Will & Grace, or The Voice. Also, most TV studios are much smaller than people realize, so someone super famous may accidentally spit on you when they deliver a line. (The gift that keeps on giving!)

Free Music Concerts

Twilight Concert Series

L.A has quite a few large music stores, selling any format from Vinyl, cassette, CD, to MP3. Stores like Amoeba Music, The Record Parlor, and Fingerprints Records, all host regular free music concerts. Just make sure you pitch up early, as space is often limited. We can’t guarantee the artists will be any good but please at least buy a t-shirt of a button pin when you leave to support them, you cheapskate!

Also one of my favorite things to do in LA during the summer are the twilight pier concerts on Santa Monica beach. Now in its 35th consecutive year, Twilight continues the long-standing tradition of celebrating emerging and established artists and sounds from around the world. My personal favorite was Jack Johnson and the bangles. Honestly, though it's more about the community spirit, the music is what draws us there. 

Visit the Hollywood sign

Hollywood sign

This is a cheesy thing to do because everybody does it and posts it on the internet.  But we think it’s awesome because 1. the L.A skyline view from the top of the Griffith park peaks is pretty insane and 2. you can see it by taking a variety of free hiking trails in your Veldskoen shoes. Including the world famous Runyon Canyon just down the way So… fitness and stuff, yeah?

Just be aware, it’s illegal to get too near the sign. It is actually fenced off from the public, guarded by 24 hour CCTV, and an armed guard. So, if you can get a photo where you are physically touching it, well done you badass!   And enjoy prison, which will also be full of exciting free experiences.

There we have the Veldskoen 5 FREE things to do in LA. If we had more space we probably would have mentioned. Topanga Canyon, Venice boardwalk, The Venice Canals, Walking down Abbott Kinney and an endless host of other awesome free stuff to do in this amazing city. but we didn't but I'm sure we will get to those another day. 

Have a great time trekking in your Veldskoen!! 

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